Tuesday, February 24, 2009

native,jerry,pinapple king

ok I just got the funkiki anvedere pack the native can still coins the pinapple king can't get robbed and jerry can go in ant funkiki place note jerry can not play the game


funk king said...

shel2 do you have the funkiki adventure pack

Shel2 said...

Yes, I have every adventure pack available.

Shel2 said...

If you haven't defeated the natives yet and you are the pineapple king, if the natives try to steal from you you get a coconut!

funk king said...

I did not know that because my pinapple king never works!

funk king said...

did you here about the new speed racer adventure pack

funk king said...

if you go on ebay you will see that the funkiki pack is 37$ did you get yous at target or ebay

Shel2 said...

Yes I've heard of the speed racer adventure pack. I got mine at target.

Shel2 said...

If the pineapple king never works, get a paper towel and keep rubbing its bottom until all the sticky stuff is off.

funk king said...

thanks shel2

funk king said...

thanks shel2 it did work

Shel2 said...

Your welcome!

bones111 said...

Alot of people just got that.